Sport Management academic appointed Editor in Chief of International Sport Journal

Earlier this month senior academic Dr Andrew Adams who is in the Department of Sport and Physical Activity accepted the role of Editor in Chief for the Taylor and Francis Journal Managing Sport and Leisure. Dr Andrew Adams takes on the editorship at a time when the journal has just been listed in the Emerging Sources Citation Index, which is the first stage to being included in SSCI and gaining an impact rating. The journal has a remit to publish high quality research articles to inform and stimulate discussions relevant to sport and leisure management globally. Dr Adams is well equipped to drive this journal forwards having published across both of the fields of sport and leisure in a variety of international journals, and has has organised and convened international sport, and international leisure conferences here at BU in the last two years.

Making BU the home for this journal is another statement of recognition for both the Department of Sport and Physical Activity and Bournemouth University as a whole and further reinforces BU’s growing national and international recognition for sport and leisure research that has implications for professional practice. Fusion is well served in the Department of Sport and Physical Activity by having this journal edited here by Andrew at BU

If any BU staff are interested in submitting a paper Dr Adams is more than happy to discuss their project with them – it may also be the case that discussing an idea may lead to publication and collaboration cross-departmentally and even cross-disciplinary.

The current edition can be found at: