A reminder that the deadline for academic applications is 1st March 2017.
Academics are invited to submit applications for the semester-based round of the SRA programme.
The academic applications will be assessed against the following criteria which you will need to demonstrate within the application form:
- Student-centred
- Co-creation and co-production
- Fusion
- External engagement
- Impact
- Cross-Faculty
Approved academic applications will be advertised as SRA positions to students with student applications being received, processed and managed centrally within RKEO and distributed to the relevant academics after the closing date. The academics will be responsible for shortlisting, interviewing and providing interview feedback to their own candidates. Successful students will need to complete monthly timesheets, signed by their supervisor for payment and processed by the relevant Faculty.
These SRA vacancies will be available to taught BU students only, where SRA applicants must be able to work in the UK, be enrolled during the time of their assistantship and also have an average grade of over 70%. Staff are permitted to have multiple SRAs.
If you have any queries, please contact Rachel Clarke, KE Adviser (KTP and Student Projects) – sra@bournemouth.ac.uk