‘Meet the Entrepreneur’ Seminar

The Business School and BU Centre for Entrepreneurship were delighted to welcome Andrew Walker, Co-Founder of Clicktools, to the EBC on the afternoon of the 10th May.

This seminar, the last in the current series of Meet the Entrepreneurevents, provided a great opportunity for students and staff to hear about Andrew’s personal journey as an entrepreneur and learn more about his own experiences as a business owner and his approach to funding and growing an innovative business.

Working in software since graduating in 1989, Andrew is now on his fourth startup and has experienced the lows and highs of starting and growing software companies. His last startup, Clicktools was bootstrapped from 3 to over 50 people and was partly acquired by SurveyMonkey before being fully acquired by Callidus. Andrew is now on a new journey with ikooloo and also mentors new startups through Virgin Startups and Barclays Eagle Labs.

Mark Painter, Business Development Manager for the Business School, said, ‘I was delighted Andrew was able to visit BU and talk to us today. I am sure the attendees found his insights into the realities of starting a business, and in particular the challenges around raising finance, particularly beneficial’. Mark added, ‘I was also really pleased that we were joined by a group of students from the BU International College’.

Details of future Meet the Entrepreneur seminars will be posted on www.bucfe.com