On Friday 15th September, ADRC’s Dr Samuel Nyman presented a poster at the annual falls conference held in the UK organised by the British Geriatrics Society.
Dr Nyman presented on behalf of BU MSc student Renuka Balasundaram, who was the lead author on a Fusion-funded quality improvement project, “Evaluation of the Otago Exercise Programme at Christchurch Day hospital”
[link to http://blogs.bournemouth.ac.uk/research/2017/07/05/experiences-from-a-fusion-investment-funded-student-research-assistant-project-aiming-to-improve-the-quality-of-local-nhs-care/].
Working closely with the falls prevention team, Christchurch Day Hospital, Renuka evaluated the exercise programme delivered there and made recommendations on how to improve adherence with the use of behaviour change techniques. There was much interest in this work and the effective collaboration between physiotherapists and psychologists to improve patient care for older people.