Dr Elvira Bolat has secured Erasmus Staff Teaching Mobility fund to visit and teach at the University of Beira Interior (Covilhã, Portugal) in May-June 2018. Elvira will deliver a social media marketing and online communication course to Master students. This visit will be hosted by Dr Arminda Maria Finisterra do Paço, Assistant Professor in Marketing.
In addition, Dr Bolat is organising and chairing the 17th The International Congress on Public and Non Profit Marketing (IAPNM), an annual event organised by major universities and scientific institutes that offers a friendly atmosphere and professional work environment for the presentation and discussion of the latest scientific and practical advances in the areas of public and nonprofit marketing, as well as in any other issue related to corporate social responsibility, social marketing and management of nonprofit organisations. IAPNM will be held in Bournemouth on 6-7 September 2018. The event attracts academics, businesses, public organisations and non-profit organisations across the world. Bournemouth being a Sustainable Fish city of Europe will continue building on its current reputation in a sustainability agenda. Dr Arminda Maria Finisterra do Paço and Dr Helena Maria Alves, from the University of Beira Interior, are members of IAPNM scientific committee. Travel to and teaching in the University of Beira Interior will allow Dr Bolat to discuss organisation of IAPNM in Bournemouth as well as enable collaborative research projects via joint funding proposals and research papers around use of social media in NGO’s (non-governmental organisations), tourism or HEI (higher education institutions).
Overall the visit will strengthen and expand the partnership between BU and the University of Beira Interior, especially in relation to the nonprofit marketing discipline.