The Doctoral College would like to present the May monthly update.
This monthly update is for PGRs and their supervisors to outline upcoming research skills and development opportunities including events, workshops and networking opportunities supported by the Doctoral College. In this update we would like to promote the 3 Minute Thesis (3MT®) event, the Researcher Development Programme for May (which includes expert sessions) and the PGR and Supervisor BBQ.
The deadline for 3MT applications is fast approaching and will close at midnight on Sunday 20th May 2018. Submit completed application forms to by the deadline to be considered for the Bournemouth University Competition taking place on Thursday 7 June 2018. Look out for free tickets to attend the event, support your colleagues and cheer on your Doctoral School. Find out more on the Researcher Development Hub.
We are also very happy to announce that the 1st Doctoral College PGR and Supervisor beach BBQ will take place on 27th June 2018. To purchase your BBQ ticket for £5 please come to the Doctoral College (Talbot Campus, DG02).
These exciting development opportunities are taking place now so check out our application processes and booking information to advance your current skills, knowledge and networks.
Don’t forget to check out the Doctoral College Facebook page.