The UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) scheme to support early career researchers and innovators with outstanding potential in universities, UK registered businesses, and other research and user environments including research councils’ institutes and laboratories has been launched.
The UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship scheme is a single scheme across the entire UKRI remit that will:
– develop, retain, attract and sustain research and innovation talent in the UK
– foster new research and innovation career paths including those at the academic/business and interdisciplinary boundaries, and facilitate movement of people between sectors
– provide sustained funding and resources for the best early career researchers and innovators (up to seven years support available on a 4+3 model)
– provide long-term, flexible funding to tackle difficult and novel challenges, and support adventurous, ambitious programmes
This is scheme is additional to existing Research Council fellowship schemes and is distinct as the Future Leaders Fellowships;
– are available across the entire UKRI remit,
– are open to individuals based in business as well as those based in universities,
– provide long term support of up to seven years (on a 4+3 model with review at 4 years),
– come with additional expectations of host organisations in their support to the fellow, for academic host organisations this includes tapered salary commitment from year 3 of the fellowship and commitment to an open-ended position for the fellow during or at the end of their fellowship.
There will be six calls for these fellowships; two calls per year between 2018-19 and 2020-21 (financial years), typically awarding at least 100 fellowships per call across UKRI’s remit (with the initial round being smaller, aiming to award ~50 fellowships).
The key dates for the first call are:
– Thursday 7 June – host organisations must submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) for each of the applicants they intend to submit in the first round
– 16:00 on Tuesday 3 July 2018 – first round full application deadline
The second call deadline will be on 31 October 2018 (EOI deadline 4 October 2018). Dates for subsequent calls will be published on the UKRI website.
For further information visit the Future Leaders Fellowships call page. If you wish to discuss this opportunity in more detail and/or find companies to work with then please contact Ehren Milner.
If you are interested in applying then please contact your RKEO Funding Development Officer in the first instance.