The Research & Knowledge Exchange Office is pleased to confirm our arrangements for supporting this high profile call in 2018.
- There will be a two-day bid writing retreat on 10th and 11th July 2018, with bookings now open
- Materials are already available within the International Pathway in the Research and Knowledge Exchange Development Framework Community on Brightspace. These will be extended as more materials are made available for the 2018 call
- External Application Reviewers, where appropriate and subject to Faculty approval
- All the scheme guidance is available on the Participant Portal
As this is a highly popular call, RKEO need to manage carefully the flow of work within RKEO but also for all your colleagues, who work together to ensure that each application is approved and submitted correctly.
Please endeavour to submit your Intention to Bid to RKEO by 29/06/18. You can, of course, let us know earlier than this date that you intend to apply, so that we can provide you, and your potential fellow, with as much support as possible, right up to the closing date of 12/09/18. It is expected that early drafts should be made available for review and approval processes around the beginning of August, allowing time for all those involved to manage their workloads, including Faculty Quality Approvers, who may be on leave during this period, reducing the options that we have for approvals.
Once we know that you are thinking of applying, even before submitting the Intention to Bid, we can keep you up to date with announcements from the funder and other sources of help and support.
If you are considering applying and would like to receive updates, please contact Sara Mundy, Funding Development Officer, so that we can register your interest and provide useful information, such as the indicative timetable for actions prior to submission. If you are ready to submit your Intention to Bid, you can do this now, via Sara.
If you have any queries or comments about this scheme, please contact Emily Cieciura, RKEO’s Research Facilitator: EU & International.