CQR “Go Create!” Lunchtime Seminars 2018-19
PG research Kip Jones
The Centre will be hosting a number of lunchtime ‘Go Create!’ seminars for the 2018/19 academic year, all from 1pm to 2pm in Royal London House.
Wednesday 3 October – ‘Creative ways of dissemination and data gathering’, presented bY Liz Norton, Caroline Ellis-Hill and Ann Hemingway, R201
Wednesday 7 November – ‘Creating and sharing stories: Students creation of digital stories in undergraduate midwifery education’, presented by Jan Leamon, R409
Wednesday 5 December – ‘Creative Writing for Academics Mini-session’, presented by Kip Jones, R409
Wednesday 9 January – ‘Expressing research findings with an artist’, presented by Kathleen Vandenberghe, R409
Wednesday 6 February – ‘Exploring self-ageing through participatory drawing’, presented by Curie Scott, R201
Wednesday 6 March – ‘Dead Poets, Live Teachers: Using films to explore the emerging professional identities of trainee teachers’, presented by Mark Readman, R201