We are excited to announce that the Third Annual FMC postgraduate conference will be hosted on 13th November 2019 at the Share Lecture Theatre in the Fusion Building on Talbot Campus. This will be a fantastic opportunity for all postgraduate researchers to showcase their excellent research to the faculty, as well as providing a great experience to present in a conference setting. There will be a chance for staff and student conducting postgraduate research to receive feedback from staff and peers.
We are happy to receive the following submissions from all FMC PGRs:
– 15 minute presentation
– 30 minute workshop
Additionally, first year postgraduate researchers have the option to present a 3- minute thesis, a shorter presentation with just one slide, to introduce their research topic to the faculty. This year there is also the option for postgraduates based elsewhere to present virtually (please be aware that you will be asked to make a back up recorded presentation in case of technical difficulties). We want the conference to be inclusive of all FMC postgraduates.
If you would like to present, please submit your abstract of no more than 250 words, presentation title, presentation format, and no more than 75 word bio to byang@bournemouth.ac.uk by 17 October 2019. You will be notified within one week of the deadline as to whether your presentation has been accepted.
If you are interested in attending the conference free registration can be completed here: https://fmcpgconference.eventbrite.co.uk
We look forward to receiving your abstracts and registration!
Alex, Bing, Evgeniya, Jo and Mel
Conference Organisers Postgraduate Researchers
Faculty for Media and Communication
Submission Checklist
O Presentation Title
O c. 250 word abstract
O Presentation Format
O c. 75 word biography