Online Resources
The Researcher Development Programme continues to provide an extensive range of online content which now more than ever may be helpful to you. These can be accessed 24/7 from the comfort of your own home. Don’t forget to keep a record of your ongoing development on the new training needs analysis template.
I am working with various workshop facilitators to arrange, where possible, for online session to be delivered. Please do bear with us whilst we work as quickly as possible, as you can appreciate there are some significant changes underway with taught programmes which may cause delays.
So…if you haven’t already, please explore the online resources on the Researcher Development Programme Brightspace unit, I will keep you all informed of any updates and changes as and when they happen.
Managing Pressure Positively: This workshop was due to be delivered on Thursday 2 April however given the restrictions on face-to-face teaching I am now working with Dr Margaret Collins to deliver this session virtually. Please keep an eye on announcements and emails for details on how to join.
I wanted to further take this opportunity to highlight the resources available via Me@BU. On here you may wish to use the self-care toolkit which provides useful advice and resources to support you in managing your wellbeing and lots of links to The Wellbeing Thesis.
Celebrating Achievements
While it is easy to get overwhelmed by the ongoing challenges we all face, it is important to acknowledge and share our accomplishments be this big or small. I have set up a discussion board for us all to use to come together as a PGR community and share our daily achievements and remain connected. Please don’t be shy! Share away.

If you have any questions relating to the Researcher Development Programme please do not hesitate to contact me.
Take Care!
Research Skills & Development Officer