Parenting Through Coronavirus (COVID-19)

This is a worrying time, and not how pregnant women and families had planned to start their parenting journey. Women and families may have concerns about their pregnancy and their children. They may be wanting to access helpful parenting information. The PATH project consortium has been carefully putting together links and resources from trusted organisations and websites to support them over the coming months, during the COVID-19 outbreak and beyond.  These links and resources are reviewed by iHV,  Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust and in discussion with Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

The COVID-19 repository is accessible in four project partner countries, France, Belgium, Netherland, and the UK

PATH is an EU Interreg 2Seas funded project led by the Europe Health Centre aiming to enable women, families and healthcare professionals to prevent, diagnose and successfully manage mild and moderate perinatal mental health issues. The project runs from February 2019 to September 2022. The PATH project supports the emotional and mental health of expectant and new parents. It receives funding from the European Regional Development Fund, has a budget of over £7.3 million and involves partners from the four partner countries.

The PATH team at BU, Dr Ricardo Colasanti, Dr Zequn Li, Mr Nicholas Lindfield, Mr Karsten Pedersen and Professor Wen Tang are based in the Department of Creative Technology in FST. The Team is focusing on technological innovations to support both online and offline healthcare and social care innovations through creative digital technology (VR, digital games and interactive digital learning).

One Response to “Parenting Through Coronavirus (COVID-19)”

  1. Luisa Cescutti-Butler

    Have the team consulted with the Royal College of Midwives in relation to links and resources? Midwifery academics within Faculty of Midwifery and Health Sciences would be interested in collaborating in this project.