Come and join us for an introduction to VOICE@BU a new collaboration and digital platform for coordinating and supporting public involvement in research
An increasing number of researchers across BU are involving and wanting to involve people with lived experience in shaping and informing research. VOICE@BU brings together the public involvement work of the PIER (Public Involvement in Education and Research) Partnership, BUCRU (BU Clinical Research Unit) and the Dorset and Salisbury office of the NIHR Research Design Service South West (RDS SW) to support and facilitate public involvement in research at BU. As a researcher, you will be able to access the support of the collaboration and make use of the digital platform to advertise events and opportunities to the public, manage closed groups, conduct surveys to inform the design of your research and seek feedback on initial ideas. As the platform develops, you will be able to access a wide range of resources, training and guidance on conducting meaningful involvement.
To see how the platform can work for you, please join us for
An Introduction to VOICE@BU
Tuesday 11th May
Please email to confirm your place. We will then send you a link to join the event.
We are hosting a similar session for public contributors (and potential contributors) on Tuesday 18th May from 2-3pm. If you, or anyone you know might be interested, please let us know so we can send them the details.