FMC Research process seminar – all staff welcome. Thinking about epistemology. Tues 1 June at 2pm

In the last research process seminar of the academic year, we are delighted to welcome Dr Richard Thomas (Swansea University), who will present the thinking behind his epistemological approach, and challenge us to think about our own research philosophy.

All of us adopt a philosophical position in relation to knowledge in our work – even if we rarely give it any attention. Today we give it the attention it deserves, and in an accessible and friendly atmosphere.

All welcome. Hope to see you there. Details below:


Thinking about epistemology – by Richard Thomas at Swansea University. 2pm on Tuesday 1st June
This sort of philosophical thinking is often bypassed as we all dive into our research. But still worth pondering, I think. We will all find some particular approaches to our work are more suitable than others, and more suited to us as people and researchers. This talk sketches out a critical realist approach where we find out what the media does, how it does it, but most important of all – WHY they do it that way. Suitable for researchers, teachers and students.
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