How the LiveWell Dorset behaviour change service influences older adults’ physical activity behaviour: A generic qualitative study

As part of the Active Ageing Evaluation project, a qualitative study was conducted between March-July 2020 by the Bournemouth University Clinical Research Unit (BUCRU) that explored how the LiveWell Dorset behaviour change service influences older adults’ physical activity behaviour.

In this study, telephone interviews were carried out with 12 individuals aged 55 to 65 who had accessed the support of the LiveWell Dorset service to increase their physical activity levels, to gain their views and experiences of the service.

Participants highlighted a number of key factors regarding how LiveWell Dorset coaches influenced their physical activity behaviour. These included using a broad range of behaviour change techniques such as goal setting and activity planning, providing opportunities to receive social support, and displaying a kind, non-judgmental and empathetic attitude.

An open access journal article detailing the full results of this study has just been published in Public Health in Practice, which can be found here.

– Andy Powell (Lead investigator, Active Ageing Evaluation project)