If you want to learn how to design and deliver online events to facilitate meaningful engagement with your research, book now for an RKEDF training workshop run by the National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE) on Monday 22 November 09:30-12:00.
Meaningful online engagement provides an opportunity to consider if and how to translate public engagement plans to an online context. Looking at purpose, people and process, the course provides an opportunity to think through how to design engagement, top tips on how to ensure attendees get the most out of the engagement, and ideas for how to evaluate it. Participants will have the opportunity to explore some case studies of practice, before considering how to apply the framework to their own work.
You will learn how to:
- develop confidence in engaging publics online and be inspired by examples of high-quality online engagement,
- consider if and how your engagement can be adapted for an online context, and what the strengths and opportunities of online engagement are,
- introduce processes and tools for online engagement, and think about how these can be applied to your own engagement work,
- highlight key considerations to make when planning online content – purpose, people, principles, and evaluation.
The NCCPE has an international reputation for inspiring and supporting universities to engage with the public and we are delighted they are able to deliver the following programme of workshops this year for us:
Monday 13 December 10:00-12:30 High Quality Public Engagement
NEW for 2022! Monday 14 March 14:00-16:30 Introduction to Community Engagement
Tuesday 12 April 14:00-16:30 Evaluation: Developing your approach