We are collecting details of all events for external audiences taking place between 1 August 2021 and 31 July 2022
Thank you to everyone who has already provided information via the SharePoint site. The deadline for reporting is Friday 7 October 2022.
This data forms part of BU’s annual Higher Education – Business & Community Interaction survey and is used to calculate our Higher Education Innovation Funding (HEIF) grant. It also feeds into our submission to the Knowledge Exchange Framework (KEF) so it is really important for us to provide a full and accurate picture of all our public engagement.
Which events do I need to report?
- Public lectures & talks
- Performance arts (music, dance, drama etc)
- Exhibitions (galleries, museums etc)
- Museum education
- Media engagement (TV/radio interviews, podcasts etc)
If you’re not sure if your event is eligible for inclusion, the SharePoint site includes further details and guidance.
What data is collected?
We collect a wider range of data than is required for HE-BCI, for additional external and internal reporting, e.g. HEIF Annual Monitoring Statement and Athena Swan. For the purposes of the HE-BCI survey, you must record the following:
- event dates – to ensure eligibility
- whether the event or activity was free or chargeable
- the number of attendees (or views/visitors)
- the amount of staff time in hours needed for delivery.
Without this specific data, we will not be able to include your event in the survey.
Further information
The SharePoint site provides details about which data is collected and how, including calculating attendee numbers and staff time, and reporting online activities and multiple related events. If you have any further questions about the HE-BCI return, please contact publicengagement@bournemouth.ac.uk.