Dear colleagues
We are developing a forum for those interested in ageing and dementia research at Bournemouth University. The forum is an opportunity to get together to chat about research and share experiences in a safe and supportive environment. Specific topics will be discussed but there will also be time for open discussion to mull over aspects of research such as project ideas and planning, ethical considerations and patient and public involvement.
The next forum meetings will be in October and November (see table below), if you would like to join us, please email adrc@bournemouth.ac.uk so we can send you the meeting details.
Date, time, and campus | Research areas |
27th October 2022
15.30-17.00 Talbot Campus |
Dr Michele Board – Frailty
Dr Susan Dewhurst – Falls prevention |
24th November 2022
15.30-17.00 Lansdowne Campus |
Dorset Healthcare – Down syndrome and dementia |
If you would like to discuss your research ideas at a future meeting, please email Michelle mheward@bournemouth.ac.uk
Kind regards,
Ageing and Dementia Research Centre