Research process seminar. Online daily diaries as a method. Tuesday 10th Jan at 2pm on Zoom

Research Process seminars are back, and we have a really nice lineup of talks coming for you this semester.
We kick off tomorrow with Prof Melanie Magin (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim)
She is talking about “Online daily diaries as a method to investigating social media’s the role of news sources for political opinion formation processes”
Diary studies are well established in media studies, and are usually applied in qualitative contexts. Melanie will talk through a study and method that used mostly quantitative and structured diary entries. You can see the related full paper here:
The talk provides insights into the methodological design of a two-week quantitative panel study in which we investigated which sources people used to inform themselves about recent political issues. Every day, the participants filled in a short quantitative questionnaire which allowed us to quantify the role of different information sources for opinion formation processes. The data collected enable us to research phenomena such as filter bubbles, echo chambers, fragmentation and polarization.
Tuesday 10th January at 2pm on Zoom
We hope to see you there. All welcome
Dan and Sae