As part of the Erasmus+ exchange, Professors Vanora Hundley and Carol Clark were recently invited to discuss the importance of communication with nurses at
Manmohan Memorial Hospital in Kathmandu, Nepal.
Good communication is a vital part of quality of care, but something that can be neglected when wards are busy and nurses are handling numerous tasks.
Participants in the session came from a range of areas within the hospital from medical-surgical wards, emergency room, through to outpatients’ department. However, all reported that finding time to stop and listen to patients could be a challenge when the hospital was busy. The group participated in a number of exercises, which included role-playing to understand how it feels to be a patient entering the hospital.
Later Vanora and Carol were able to visit the research facilities to understand how recruitment and randomisation to vaccine trials is being handled in Manmohan Memorial Hospital. Dr Sujan Marahatta explained the process and discussed how the hospital was contributing to this important research.
Finally, a visit to the physiotherapy department provided the opportunity to discuss collaborative research in women’s health.