UKRO annual visit to BU
As advertised earlier, RDS will host the annual UK Research Office (UKRO) visit to BU on 26 April 2023. This will be online event (Zoom) with an option to meet our UKRO European Advisor Malgorzata Czerwiec individually after general sessions. Event will start on Wednesday at 12:30.
All academic and professional staff interested in Horizon Europe framework programme and EU funding in general, either experienced or new to it, are invited to attend this session.
12:30-13:15 Update on UK participation in Horizon Europe, with Q&A time (UK eligibility, how to include UK in HE proposals, the UK Horizon Europe Guarantee and statistics)
13:15-13:30 UKRO services and NCPs support for UK applicants to Horizon Europe (signposting to open HE call opportunities, webinars and support)
13:30-13:45 Break
13:45-14:45 Introduction to COST opportunities, with Q&A time
15:00-17:00 Bookable 1-2-1 meetings (each slot 15 minutes)
Instructions for joining
Registration is not mandatory, although I would appreciate if you email Research Facilitator International about your intention to participate. In return, I will forward you Zoom link. Link will also be sent to your Heads of Departments for information.
Those willing to speak with our European Advisor individually will have to email me by the end of Friday 21 April to receive individual Zoom link for their session. Please indicate in your email the topic you would like to discuss and if there are any specific questions you would expect to be answered during the meeting.
Based in Brussels, UKRO are a UKRI team supporting the UK’s involvement in the EU’s key research and innovation programme – Horizon Europe. UKRO team works with partners across the UK government and stakeholders to maximise UK engagement in Horizon Europe.
In addition to offering a subscription-based service for UK universities and research organisations, UKRO also provide free advice on the European Research Council, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions and Widening Participation parts of Horizon Europe, as well as COST. The latter is a new area UKRO is covering for their subscribers and we have included this topic in this year’s annual meeting.
As part of UKRO services, BU members of staff may sign up to receive personalised email alerts and get early access to the EU funding related publications on UKRO portal. More about UKRO services you can find here.
Wishing you all Happy Easter,