Technology & Humanity in Healthcare #2 of 3-part Webinar Series 15 June ’23 at 12noon BST


Technology & Humanity in Healthcare: # 2 of a 3-part Webinar Series: 15/6/23


Hello Educators, Students and Healthcare Professionals,
You are invited to join us for this engaging event at 12 noon BST on 15/6/23.
It promises to be a stimulating conversation about important topics that affect us all in this dynamic age of technology and humanity in healthcare.

Time: 15 June 2023 11:45 AM BST – 12 noon BST start
Register: Eventbrite  or scan the QR code below.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 814 6609 1940 Passcode: E1B+p#wq
One tap mobile
+16469313860,,81466091940#,,,,*97862354# US
+16694449171,,81466091940#,,,,*97862354# US

5 June – Metaverse and Health and Wellbeing
2 July – Technology, Humanity and the Ageing Society (Preventative Healthcare, Dementia, lifestyle medicine)

This interactive webinar series addresses technology and humanity issues in healthcare. The engaging webinar interview format is in two parts: a) David Wortley provides (Via Zoom) some healthcare/tech questions and context to stimulate debate. B) Debbie Holley and Anthony Basiel will follow-with some pre-set questions and any new questions from the audience text chat. The default protocol is that all audience members in Zoom will have video and sound off – text chat Q&A. A Text Chat Facilitator passes on any questions/comments to David for response.