Sharing on behalf of Professor Fiona Cownie:
We have two opportunities for PGRs to collaborate externally.
On Wed 24 April we are launching our SUNRISE project in collaboration with Universiti Sains Malaysia to promote research around sustainability and collaborations moving forward.
On Thurs 25 April we hold our third SPROUT event – our PGR Sustainability network with PGRs from Universities of Cardiff and Newcastle. Our focus is Sharing our sustainability stories.
Join us online for either or both events or in person on Wed am – though we do start SUNRISE early at 8-10 am (DG06).
Sign up via Eventbrite:
SUNRISE Wednesday 24 April 8-10 am online or on campus DG06 – sign up here
SPROUT Thursday 25 April 1-2 pm online – sign up here
More details below – hope to see you at these events if you’re interested in sustainability and collaboration.
Would you like to attend our showcase event for sustainability projects from BU and our collaborator Universiti Sains Malaysia? We will meet together online and on campus next Wednesday April 24th 8-10 am UK time (sorry it’s early – it’s because of the time difference with Malaysia).
We will offer coffee and croissants and share three projects from BU and three from USM at the event. We will think through possible collaborations going forward and introduce the SUNRISE British Council funded project.
BU speakers include:
- Dr Sukanya Ayatakshi Endow who explores gender bias in crowd-funding
- Dr James Fair who explores sustainable developments within cinema
USM speakers include:
- Dr Musfirah Zulkurnain who explores sustainable solutions to food security
- Ms Nuri Izyani Ramlee who explores stingless bee farming for a healthier future
At the event we will launch our SUNRISE sustainability showcase which brings together sustainability projects from both institutions from academics and PGRs. We aim to use this to inspire possible collaborations and student research around sustainability. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this. Please note, if you’re part of the showcase we’re not asking you to present on the 24th , unless I’ve been in touch, but to be part of the audience and discussion.
We would be delighted if you can join – we’re on campus, but you can also join us online through this link https://bournemouth-ac-uk.zoom.us/j/89705878993?pwd=cG1hWGVic3NKdE5jd205c1VnM1pEdz09 .
Please register via Eventbrite (above).
Join us for the April SPROUT event: Sharing our Sustainability Stories
Hear from PGRs as they share their sustainability stories and engage in a writing taster session to begin articulating (or refining) your sustainability story.
This is an interactive session. Our PGR leads will share their sustainability stories. We will follow with a writing workshop taster ‘Writing your sustainability story’ in which you can write and share your sustainability story. We will finish by introducing our plans for Sprout online writing workshops
Please register via Eventbrite (above).