NIHR Undergraduate Interns Developing Early Labour App

The Early Labour App group are delighted to welcome Year 2 Digital Science Interns Tom Lower and Kaisei Wieczorek-Numao and Year 3 Midwifery Intern Carys Nash under the NIHR Undergraduate Internship program. Tom and Kaisei are developing the app’s User Interface features such as the avatar features and voice settings. They will also develop a User Activity Logging system under the supervision of Dr. Kun Qian and Prof. Xiaosong Yang.
Carys will be undertaking PPIE in collaboration with Digital Midwife Tracey Thompson RM from University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust, supervised by Dr. Dominique Mylod (Early Career Researcher in Midwifery). Carys will be sharing the app prototype with mothers and their birth partners to inform the app development.