The 16th Annual Postgraduate Research Conference – Thank You

Thank you to all of our presenters, poster exhibitors, session chairs and of course delegates who supported the 16th Annual Postgraduate Research Conference. It is always a highlight on the Doctoral College events calendar and we hope you all enjoyed the day.

We were thrilled with the energy and enthusiasm on the day, and we were delighted to see a strong turnout of PGRs and colleagues showing their support and helping to promote a positive research culture and community across BU.


Here is some of the feedback received:

“Always an uplifting and inspiring event. I highly recommend attending in any capacity – as a guest or contributor.”

“Loved the atmosphere”

“I enjoyed it all. I gained confidence in exhibiting my poster and enjoyed networking with others.”


If you attended, either as a presenter or delegate, we would love to hear your feedback via this anonymous feedback form.

Your feedback will help us improve future conferences so please let us know your thoughts, or just let us know what you liked most!

Feedback collection will close soon – 11 December 2024.


You can see some highlights of the day on LinkedIn #BUPGRConf24 and a video here.


Virtual Exhibition and Postgraduate Research Showcase

Did you miss the conference? Do not worry, you can visit our Virtual Exhibition on the BU website and in February you will be able to visit the Atrium Gallery to view a selection of the conference posters.

We will be holding a celebration event on Wednesday 5 February 2025, with more information to follow so watch this space!


The Conference Team