We are excited to introduce a new approach to enhance the quality of grant applications, inspired by the success of our BA Small Grants internal peer review process. Over the past two years, this process has delivered excellent results, and we aim to adapt it for specific UKRI calls that are relevant to this approach, such as the AHRC Catalyst and Curiosity (in later rounds) awards.
Going forward, we will adopt a cohort-based approach that leverages the repetitive nature of these calls (four times a year up to cohort 6), and potential other similar calls.
Key elements include:
- Mandatory Training Workshop: A session to discuss call requirements with interested academics and establish cohort-based support (If you are not able to attend the planned Mandatory Training, please get in touch via PreAwardEnquiries@bournemouth.ac.uk)- the workshop will address the catalyst application sections, support available and the internal process.
- Faculty Pre-Approvals: Faculty-level quality approvals will be mandatory before initiating costings or ITBs.
- Additional Funding Development Support: Where relevant, cohort members may also seek other external funding development support to enhance their applications
- Internal Peer Review Panels: Applications will undergo review by nominated internal reviewers, with assessor allocation managed in consultation with DDRs.
As the pilot, we have identified the end of round six of the AHRC Catalyst call and with the current update of opening of the calls to no deadlines, we have set the pilot internal deadline to the end of April.
You can also find all relevant information about the new scheme on the RKE Sharepoint site.
If you have any questions, please contact Eva Papadopoulou
Mandatory Training
Date: 30 January 2025, Thursday
Time: 10am to 11.30am
Microsoft Teams link to join the Mandatory Training – Join the meeting now