NIHR Undergraduate Interns Tom Lower and Kaisei Wieczorek Numao with their supervisor Dr. Dominique Mylod attended the Round 1 NIHR Undergraduate Intern Celebration at International Student House, Regent’s Park, London on 19th March 2025.
Tom and Kaisei are both BU Computer Animation students. Together with Year 3 midwifery student Carys Nash they have developed the User Interface and tracking systems on our Early Labour App during their internship. In line with the feedback that Carys has gathered from women and birth partners, the app provides education and strategies for families to navigate the latent phase (or ‘early labour’) at home before labour establishes and they transfer to a birth unit or Labour Ward. The app content has been developed from research through the BU Centre for Midwifery and Women’s Health and with the latest funding from the NIHR Undergraduate Internship programme.
Tom presented on behalf of the group and we caused some excitement by showcasing the app on a mobile phone to the other attendees!