Yesterday was the first meeting of the Consumer Research @ BU group (CR@B) and it turned out to be a busy and energising meeting of minds from a wide variety of disciplines from across BU. As we listened to each other’s presentations and compared notes the opportunities for working together in new ways unfolded.
Our aim in bringing the group together is to foster inter-disciplinary research, provide a platform for interaction with industry, and a forum for ideas. Given the success of our first meeting, we will now be holding informal coffee and cake meetings every 4-6 weeks with time for CR@B research bites (short presentations about our research) and discussion. We will also be planning a series of high profile public research talks and workshops designed with research and industry application in mind.
Anyone who is doing consumer research is welcome. This might include researchers working in:-
- Consumer cultures
- Consumer behaviour
- Retail and marketing
- Visual cognition and consumption
- Food consumerism and consumption
- Consumer neuroscience
- Advertising
and almost certainly more.
So … if you think you might be a CR@B, and are out there hiding under a stone, please crawl out and come and join us.
Our next meeting is at 3pm on Wednesday 3rd December in D234, Dorset House, Talbot Campus. If you would like to come along or would simply like to find out more please email either Jeff Bray in Tourism who is hosting our next session or any of the other contacts below so that we can get a feel for numbers.
Jeff Bray (Tourism; Juliet Memery (Business School; Janice Denegri-Knott (Media School; Siné McDougall (SciTech;