Transparency duty
David Cameron has announced plans to require universities to publish statistical data on admissions by gender, class and ethnic background.
Pay gap
Data analysis by the Trades Union Congress, has shown that black graduates earn on average £14.33 an hour, compared with £18.63 earned by white graduates. Black workers ‘earning less than white colleagues’ (BBC News).
The Telegraph has reported that Britain is heading for a June referendum on membership of the EU as it emerged that David Cameron will be offered a deal allowing the UK Parliament to block unwanted Brussels laws. Britain heading for June EU referendum as David Cameron is offered ‘red card’ to block EU laws (The Telegraph).
Postgraduate funding
A survey of 1,226 taught postgraduates who enrolled on science, technology, engineering and mathematics courses at 11 UK universities last year found that 41.2 per cent of students from the most affluent families said that their parents would be their main source of funding. Poorer students ‘disadvantaged’ in postgraduate funding struggle (THE).
EU students
A number of English universities have increased their recruitment of European Union students by more than 40 per cent after the removal of controls on undergraduate places. EU students up by over 40 per cent at some English universities (THE).
The Sutton Trust has said that the way students are admitted to Oxford and Cambridge universities is complex and intimidating. It is argued that Oxbridge should simplify the process to help those from schools and homes not familiar with it. Oxbridge college admissions ‘complex and intimidating’ (BBC News).
Home Office
The London School of Business and Finance that has tried to enrol international students whose visa applications were subsequently refused, has had its licence revoked. Foreign students must leave UK as college loses licence (BBC News).