RDS Funding Development Team
The team is led by Dr Pengpeng Hatch, the Funding Development Manager. A quick contact list is provided here but more details on individuals are provided below.
Research Facilitators are in RDS FDT to help you develop your research ideas: Kate Percival for Life Sciences; Eva Papadopoulou for Humanities and Social Sciences ; Ainar for EU and international funding, and Zarak Afzal for Innovation & Infrastructure and the funding most heavily linked to the Industrial Strategy. Please note: the RFs moved to a funder-focused approach from 1 August 2022. More details are here.
Funding Development Officers are in RDS FDT to assist you through the application process: Alice Brown for SMART, Jacqui Timms for Health and Social Sciences, Kerri Jones for SciTech, Sara Mundy for BUBS, and Jo Schofield for Media and Communication.

Dr Pengpeng Hatch
Funding Development Manager
I am responsible for overseeing all aspects of the management of pre-award support for external research and knowledge exchange funding applications across the University. My challenge is to increase the quality, quantity and volume of proposals to support the achievement of the BU2025 strategy, and to design and implement best practice.
Outside of work I enjoy travelling, trying new restaurants, and walking; and I am a big fan of LEGO!

Eva Papadopoulou
Research Facilitator in Humanities and Social Sciences
As a Research Facilitator, I am supporting academics with their proposals and ideas and help them focus in the appropriate funding schemes for Humanities and Social Science funders but mainly AHRC, ESRC, British Academy and Leverhulme. I am also working on strategic institutional bids involving the best of BU’s talent, for UKRI central funding.
I have worked at BU for over seventeen years, and have really come to know the people; I have worked across all Faculties, Business School, ApSci, EU, and a year secondment as the ethics adviser. My latest role was that of Research Officer for the Faculty of Media and Communication, where I was responsible for the Faculty’s research submissions at pre award, for the last 6 years.
Outside of work I enjoy cooking and eating with family and friends and watching weird films.

Kate Percival
Research Facilitator, Life Sciences
As a research facilitator my focus is on assisting academics in the Life Sciences with applying for funding mainly from NIHR, MRC, Wellcome and NERC.
I previously worked at Deakin University in Melbourne, Australia as a Senior Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) advisor. I was responsible for PhD and Masters by Research examinations, progress reviews and the HDR Academic Progress Committee. Prior to that I was the research administrator for the School of Computer Science at RMIT in Melbourne.
My background before moving to Australia was as a research funding officer at the University of Nottingham working across pre and post award teams, along with my first job at the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research at the University of East Anglia as a research administrator.
I hold an MA in Child and Family Research from the University of East Anglia, a PGCE in Secondary Education (Food Technology) from Sheffield Hallam University and a BSc (hons) Food and Nutrition, also from Sheffield Hallam University.
Outside of work I enjoy playing with my 2 children, travelling and exploring new places.
Zarak Afzal
Research Facilitator, Innovation and Infrastructure
As Research Facilitator for Innovation and Infrastructure, I support academics and researchers in the development and planning of applications to funders such as EPSRC, Innovate UK, Royal Society. I also support institutional activity relating to funding for infrastructure development.
My role involves searching for excellent opportunities and facilitating the development of bids, with the aim of submitting high-quality proposals utilising the expertise available at BU.
As a large part of my role focuses on Innovation, I also work closely with the Head of External Engagement, and the newly created Business Engagement & Knowledge Exchange Managers. This close working relationship enables a cohesive University strategy in targeting excellent opportunities for collaborative research projects with a range of partners. If you would like to formulate a research proposal in partnership with industry, or have a specific research idea which could benefit from industrial support, please get in contact with myself or the Business Engagement Managers. We will be able to help you, utilising our range of expertise and contacts.
Prior to joining BU, I worked at Exeter University in Research Finance and in Research Development in the Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy. At Exeter I gained strong expertise in research funding applications, working closely with academics from various disciplines. I supported a wide range of research proposals and projects to funders such as EPSRC, NERC, Royal Society and Leverhulme. However, my main specialism was supporting Industry funding, such as Innovate UK and contract research. To facilitate this, I worked very closely with colleagues in the Innovation, Impact and Business department on many different and exciting initiatives in Marine, Computing, Business and Engineering. Prior to working in Research Finance and Development, I worked for a private medical company and in the legal field.
Outside of work, I enjoy jogging and watching cricket. I also enjoy listening to music, watching TV/Films and eating food at interesting places.

Ainar Blaudums
Research Facilitator International
I am an expert in EU and international research funding, with a focus on supporting proposals to Horizon Europe, including the European Research Council and Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions.
I have played a key role in the preparation and implementation of over 100 successful EU grant applications and projects.
In addition, I am a Legal Entity Appointed Representative (LEAR) for Horizon Europe and a Government Business Point of Contact (POC) for the US SAM.gov funding system for BU.
My day-to-day activities include horizon scanning related to EU and international research funders, analysing the annual European Commission work programmes, supporting the building of academic teams across the university, targeting EU funding opportunities for individual academics and teams.
I am responsible for developing research proposals in conjunction with the Principal Investigator, reviewing and critiquing drafts of research proposals, suggesting ideas on how to strengthen the content of the proposals, supporting the Funding Development Officers in identifying trends, opportunities, and risks, assisting in the development of an external international research funding pipeline plan with faculties and departments, and identifying issues and suggesting improvements to pre-award processes.
It has been 20 years since I began supporting the development of R&D grant applications and the implementation of projects. I have worked for government institutions, the high-tech industry, leading UK universities, and in close collaboration with the European Commission and other funders.

Alice Brown
Research Contracts Manager
(available on Teams)
I am the Research Contracts Manager in RDS. My work days are Tuesdays to Fridays.
I maintain an oversight of the portfolio of RKE contracts and provide advice on these contracts prior to submission, at the point of award and on contract management of awarded projects. I support and review CAF exempt contracts. Working with Legal Services, we deliver approaches and advice on RKE contracting to academics.
Before this role, I was the Senior Funding Development Officer for the Strategic & Major Applications for Research Team from 2018 and a Funding Development Officer for FST from 2014. Before that, I was the Senior RKE Officer at the Arts University Bournemouth to cover a seconded member of staff. Before relocating from Australia, I have worked for 7 years in the Western Australian State Government in legal, policy and research roles.
My interests are travelling, hiking, baking and fine dining.

Kerri Jones
Senior Funding Development Officer
I am the Senior Funding Development Officer. My work days are Monday to Thursday. I provide operational support to the Facilitators and leadership to the Funding Development Officer and Funding Development Co-ordinator. I am the point of contact for all operational aspects of the pre-award process. Before taking up this role I was a Funding Development Officer, supporting academic colleagues in the Faculty of Science and Technology.
Outside of work I enjoy travelling and spending time with friends and family and I am also a Formula 1 fan.

Sara Mundy
Funding Development Officer (FST)
(01202) 968253
I am a Funding Development Officer within Research Development and Support. I support academic colleagues in the BU Business School with the pre-award process.
I joined Research Development and Support in October 2013 as a Project Administrator, providing support for all awarded R&KE projects in HSS and SciTech. In my time with RDS I have obtained a vast amount of knowledge about the research environment.
My previous work experience has all been in the Private sector mainly in banking and insurance.
I am the BU Netball Team Patron as I played competitively myself for more than 30 years. I enjoy going on foreign holidays with my partner, we have 2 dogs called Ziggy and Romi and we enjoy long walks along the beach and the surrounding countryside with them.

Jacqui Timms
Funding Development Officer (FHSS)
I am the Funding Development Officer within Research Development & Support and I support academic colleagues in the Faculty of Health & Social Sciences with the pre-award process. I have worked at BU for almost 11 years. I began my journey in the HR Department and then moved into my Executive Officer role supporting the Deans and Executive Teams in the Faculty of Management and then the Faculty of Media & Communication. My latest role was Project Delivery Coordinator at the Dorset LEP signposting local businesses to government funding and support.
I love to travel, I enjoy cycling and yoga and like spending time with friends and family.

Joanne Schofield
Funding Development Officer (FMC)
01202 9 (68239)
Available on Teams
Studland House – S801
I’m a Funding Development Officer, working in the pre-award team. I support colleagues in the Faculty of Media & Communication helping academics submit applications for funding.
I have worked in RDS since 2012 as an administrator and as a Project Delivery Officer within the Project Delivery Team, covering externally-funded UK- and EC-funded projects and I have also previously worked with the University’s ethics panels as Committee Clerk.
After graduating from Liverpool John Moores University, I worked for a number of different companies in a number of wide-ranging positions, latterly working as an Office Manager for the Civil Service. I have had a variety of roles throughout my career, starting initially in administration, as an Examiner for the Official Receiver and progressing to take responsibility for stand-alone projects and office management.
In my spare time I enjoy travelling to exotic places, eating out with friends, developing new recipes and going to the cinema.

Katerina Kakaounaki
Funding Development Officer (BUBS)
I am a Funding Development Officer within Research Development and Support. I support academic colleagues in the BU Business School with the pre-award process.
I have worked at BU for 5 years. Within my previous role, I was involved in organizing, promoting and monitoring RKEDF events and activities. This also included financial spend, outputs from attendees, and evaluation. I supported the coordination of training and development opportunities for colleagues across the BU alongside contributing to the improvement of policies, processes and procedures for RKEDF and other RDS initiatives.
Previously I worked at BU in SciTech as a Project Administrator on EU Funded Research Projects. I provided administrative work for “European network of Cybersecurity centres and competence Hub for innovation and Operations” (ECHO), “IDEAL-CITIES”, both EU H2020 projects and “The Smart Ports Ecosystem of the European 2 Seas region (SPEED)”, European Interreg project.
Having the advantage of living in Bournemouth I enjoy long walks on the beach along the coastline as well as exploring and photographing the countryside.