Staff eligibility

7.    How do I know if I’m eligible to be submitted to the REF?

See the examples below or section 3.1 of the Code of Practice. Alternatively, email Julie Northam or Peng Peng Ooi in the Research Development Unit.

8.    I’m employed by BU for half a day a week. Would I be eligible to be submitted?

Unfortunately not. The REF requirements stipulate that staff to be submitted to the REF need to be on a contract of employment of at least 0.2 full time equivalent (FTE). Therefore, you need to be employed for at least a day a week (par. 78, Assessment Framework and Guidance on Submissions).

9.    I’m employed by BU on a part-time basis but I also work part-time at another higher education institution. Can I be submitted to the REF?

In this instance, you will be eligible to be submitted by both institutions but each institution must make sure the total value of your FTE submitted is not more than 1.0 and your total outputs submitted must not exceed 4. The same research outputs may, but need not be, submitted in each submission (par. 79f, Assessment Framework and Guidance on Submissions). 

10.    I’m employed by BU on a part-time basis but I also work part-time at another organisation not in the higher education sector. Can I be submitted to the REF?

Yes (Category C), as long as your contract with BU is for 0.2 FTE or greater and your primary employment function at BU is to undertake either ‘research only’ or ‘teaching and research’ (par. 78, Assessment Framework and Guidance on Submissions). 

11.    I’m employed by an organisation that is not a higher education institution (e.g. NHS) but undertake research at BU. Can I be submitted to the REF?

Yes, but your outputs will only be used by the assessment panel when they produce the overall quality profile and will not count towards the volume measure for funding purposes. This won’t actually affect you or your submission though (pars 82-83, Assessment Framework and Guidance on Submissions). 

12.    I’m retired and have no formal employment contract with BU but act as a visiting professor and have undertaken research within the submitting UOA. Can I be submitted to the REF?

Unfortunately not. Unless you are in salaried employment at BU and continue to carry out research as part of that contract, you are not eligible to be submitted as either a Category A or Category C member of staff (for definitions, see pars 79 and 82-83, Assessment Framework and Guidance on Submissions). 

13.    I’m a research assistant employed by BU. Can I be submitted to the REF?

According to the REF guidance, research assistants (or equivalent) are generally not eligible to be returned to the REF. The only exception to this is if you are named as principal investigator on a research grant or significant piece of research work and you meet the definition of Category A staff (pars 80-81, Assessment Framework and Guidance on Submissions). 

14.    I’m a member of a professional service at BU and have undertaken research. Can I be submitted to the REF?

Please email Julie Northam or Peng Peng Ooi in the Research Development Unit in this instance. They will need to contact HR to ascertain your eligibility according to the REF criteria as it will depend on the terms of your employment contract and how you were returned to HESA. It will also depend on the alignment of your research with the UOAs that the University is to submit to.

Link to the BU REF 2014 Code of Practice.

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