Tagged / 2017/18

NEW: RKEDF Programme for 2017/18

Following consultation, the RKEO have developed the new programme of training and development opportunities for 2017/18 for the Research and Knowledge Exchange Development Framework.

There will be over 150 training and development opportunities available.  Visit the site to see what’s on offer throughout the year.  Many opportunities are available for booking.

What’s new for 2017/18

There are 14 pathways this year, which includes the addition of the Research Excellence Framework (REF) pathway.  This will see a number of events/workshops throughout the year, with most based around the individual units of assessment (UoA).  We have renamed the ‘Working with Business’ pathway to ‘Research Partnerships with Industry’.  This is more descriptive of what is on offer through this pathway.

As well as a full programme of opportunities, we have also created a mini-programme of opportunities specifically for Research Assistants, post-docs and early career researchers.  Booking is through the main RKEDF website.

We are pleased to announce that both BU Pro Vice Chancellors will be running strategy sessions this year.  Keep an eye out for dates later in the year.

We have also developed a set of frequently asked questions to help you navigate your way through the RKEDF.

Success signHighlights

There are many events to choose from this year, as well as online content available throughout the year.  Shown below are a snapshot of what might interest you.

Do browse the main site and see how BU can support you in the development of your research career.  Bookings are all through Organisational Development and available electronically within each pathway.  If you have any general queries then please contact Jo Garrad, Funding Development Manager, RKEO.