Why you should join _connect
So the name ‘ _connect’ is a little awkward I admit, but this platform( run by the Technology Strategy Board) can provide an opportunity for you to collaborate online, network and share knowledge with other innovators. The site is branded as ‘the UK’s online open innovation network of networks’. Over half a million global visitors a year (from business, academia and government) access the site to fund information, keep updated on events and make new contacts to help them in their careers. Some of our academics are already using the site and find it really useful.
When it comes to EU funding, you cannot network enough so why not spend 5 mins creating a free account and test it out?
Sign up
Click on the Register button on the left hand side of the page. The system will guide you through creating your account. Once you have registered, you will be sent an activation email; follow the link in this email to activate your account then you can begin to build up your profile; letting other _connect members know about you, and you can also find members with similar interests and skills.
Create a profile
You can choose as much or as little detail as you like to go in your profile. The more you put in, the more people who you connect with on this platform will be able to understand your knowledge and skills. You can also amend what is visible publically, to members of the site and also have all of your details hidden. Click on the ‘My profile’ option on the left hand side menu when you are logged in.
You can list your employment, education, skills and interests, your websites, blogs and contact details. You can also upload any documents of interest to you or items you have published.
Join relevant networks and groups
Signing up gives you access to join a range of Special Interest groups, KT Networks and other member communities.
You will get relevant industry events, new sand funding opportunities delivered by emails by signing up for one of the groups and you can amend your options for notifications of activity to suit you.
Take a look at the list of networks under ‘Find Networks and select ‘join this network’. If you stuill aren’t convinced about setting up a profile, have a look at the list below of the availbel networks and see if any take your fancy. You can also set up your own network – perfect
The type of information and frequency depends on the groups themselves; some are more active than others, some more funding focused than others and some more network focused than others. Why not join all those you could be interested in, and leave at a later date if you feel they aren’t helpful…

Find organisations
It’s really simple to find organisations on the site, there is a tab with an entire list of them and also a search function. You can choose to follow them to see their activity, or get in direct contact with them.
There is a handy function which allows you to receive info when activity in your network has taken place on a daily or weekly basis and also an option to have all notifications disabled. This can be found under ‘Account Settings’.