The results of the Santander Scholarships have been announced. The University received 13 applications and 7 were successful. Each successful applicant has been awarded up to £5,000 to travel to a university in the Santander Overseas Network to build or develop relationships. The successful applicants are a mixture of PhD students and early career researchers.
Miguel Moital– Senior Lecturer in Events Management
Internationalisation of Brazilian Tourism Research – mapping the training needs and identification of funding opportunities.
The purpose of this project is to examine the barriers and opportunities to the internationalisation of Brazilian tourism research.
Lauren Kita- PhD student in Psychology
Developing Sleep Skills in America.
“The purpose of the visit is to meet with colleagues in Boston who are conducting research similar to mine. Brown University has an excellent sleep department and it would be a fantastic experience to meet with others who have similar research interests. The aim of the trip is to establish contacts, gain ideas for my PhD project and to learn more about a new technique in measuring sleep (spectral analysis). This will provide me with a new perspective for my PhD. The visit will involve visiting Brown University to meet colleagues, and will culminate in the 5 day Sleep 2012 meeting.”
Fiona Mellor- PhD student in HSC and Associate clinical research doctoral fellow/research radiographer
A biomechanical assessment of passive recumbent inter-vertebral motion in the mid lumbar spine in symptomatic and healthy participants.
“This fellowship will facilitate important links between BU and SUNY by allowing me to become involved in their biomechanical cadaveric testing of spinal motion. In return I will show them how to capture this data in living people and share results to date from my PhD which is examining the differences in spinal motion in those with chronic LBP versus healthy controls.”
Jane Elsley– Lecturer in Psychology
Are all bindings created equal? Exploring feature binding in visual short-term Memory.
“I will undertake a research visit to the Universidad De Islas Baleares to work with Dr. Fabrice Parmentier. The proposed visit will build upon the applicant’s recent ESRC Small Grant (RES-000-22-3930) completed (July, 2011) in collaboration with Dr. Parmentier (Universidad De Islas Baleares) and Prof. Maybery (University of Western Australia).”
Dr Anita Diaz- Senior Lecturer in Ecology
Building Latin American university partners for an application to Action 2 of the ERASMUS Mundus Programme.
“Erasmus Mundus Action 2 supports the formation of cooperation partnerships between universities in Europe and Third countries that enable mobility of students and staff. I wish to develop a proposal for Erasmus Mundus Action 2 funding for a partnership, coordinated by Bournemouth University, between Latin American universities and European universities in the field of conservation ecology. While strongly rooted in the science of ecology, this partnership will also encompass societal factors particularly aspects of tourism and green economy.”
Natalia Tejedor Garavito– PhD Researcher
Tropical Andes Red List Assessment
To assess the extinction risk of tree species of the Tropical Andean montane forests, with particular reference to the potential impacts of climate change
Dr. John R. Stewart– Lecturer in Palaeoecology
The Ecological Background to Neanderthal Extinction and Evolution
The aims of this proposal are to initiate a collaboration between the applicant and Professor José Carrión who have similar research interests and are planning an ERC grant proposal (together with C.P.E. Zollikofer, M.S. Ponce de León of the Anthropological Institute and MultiMedia Laboratory, Department of Computer Science, University of Zurich, Switzerland) on the ecological context of Neanderthal extinction.