SWSW Webinar Series: How to Create and Deliver an Effective Presentation
Malcolm Love – Weds 2nd April, 1200-1330 Zoom
The British Academy Early Career Researcher Network (ECRN) – Southwest & South Wales (SWSW) invites ECRs across humanities and social sciences to its Webinar Series.
In this webinar Malcolm Love will talk about how to prepare and deliver highly effective presentations, including tips on presenting material and yourself: overcoming stage fright, storytelling, body language. This will be an interactive event.
Malcolm (https://malcolmlove.org/) is a former senior producer (programme maker) at the BBC. He is an independent producer, radio presenter, lecturer and public communication skills coach. He specialises in public engagement skills and has more than 25 years’ experience in delivering skill building workshops and masterclasses around the world in over 40 countries.

SWSW Connect: online connection and inspiration each month
Tuesday 15th April 1200 – 1300 Zoom
The British Academy Early Career Researcher Network (ECRN) – Southwest & South Wales (SWSW) invites ECRs across humanities and social sciences to a monthly ECR-driven online gathering where we get to know each other, exchange knowledge, support and inspiration. Meetings combine thematic content with time for networking and fostering new connections across the region.
April’s topic:
Continuing the REACH Principles: What does Reach IN, Reach OUT, Reach BEYOND mean for us as individuals and as a Network?
How can we best use the ECRN for connecting with others (Reach Out) and using the supportive environment to extend skills (Reach Beyond)? We will discuss this together as a group and in smaller breakout groups which will allow time for connecting with each other.
For more information, email Linda Lanyon