Tagged / Centre for Wellbeing and Long-term Health

CWLTH Research Seminar & Centre Meeting

The Centre for Wellbeing and Long-Term Health (CWLTH) will be hosting their next Research Seminar and Centre meeting at 11:00 on Tuesday 22nd April. PhD student Yagya Adhikari will be presenting their doctoral research exploring ‘Parental migration for work and psychosocial problems among left-behind adolescents in Nepal.‘ Click HERE to join this meeting on Teams. Contact CWLTH@bournemouth.ac.uk for more information about the Centre.

Unlocking the data dungeons of higher education

Unlocking the data dungeons of higher education
Authors: Kitchenham, A., Holley, D. and Biggins, D.

Conference: International Technology, Education and Development Conference 2025

Dates: 3-5 March 2025

Higher Education in the UK operates under a regulatory framework, the Office for Students (OfS). The university sector needd to report on a series of data metrics, where education has been quantified into measurable outcomes. These are focused on continuation and completion of studies, as well as readiness and ability to secure professional work. However, recent literature has documented the complexity of computing metrics in an environment in which universities are in constant transition and adaptation, and how these adaptive processes impact student transitions, including from university to graduate work. Thus collecting data with precision and fair statistical assessment of outcomes across the sector remain a challenge for the government and the sector alike.
Learning analytics is a highly contested field which is implemented and used in very different ways across the sector. In some cases, the collection of data places greater emphasis on institutional compliance for reputational protection and as a tool for data driven narrative creation. At its most effective, it places the learner at the centre of the process and as the primary audience for its output. Emerging trends point to how it is increasingly embedded within day-to-day activities that encompass learners, educators and the institution. Our research indicates that it is most impactful when it supports data-informed pedagogic interventions.
Our research suggests three broad responses to data collection, collation and interpretations, where the institutional data gathered is actioned through very different strategic lenses. Best practice seeks to use this data to inform strategic and operational decisions; and to focus on the student experience, with a clear pedagogic rationale underpinning the sharing of data, that genuinely moves the student learning journey forward. The use and role of data can be characterised as a tool to defend the institution from external scrutiny; an intrinsic tool to inform course development or as instigator for dialogue (including self dialogue) by the learner. The learning design that frames and encompasses learning analytics impacts significantly on the user. It can be cold, dehumanising and context free with the data stored in what we terms as a ‘data dungeon’. It can be interpreted as a ‘data engine room’ driving forward the curricula and learning agenda; it can, we argue, at its cutting edge frame ‘data dialogue’; shining the light into the data dungeon. This paper will draw upon these themes and suggest a maturity model to ensure the data collected has meaning, use and value and contributes to a greater understanding of the measurement and understanding of learning gain.

Next CWLTH Research Seminar and Centre Meeting

The Centre for Wellbeing and Long-Term Health‘s next Research Seminar and Centre meeting will be 13:00-14:00 on Wednesday 19th March. Dr Chris Long (Principal Academic on Healthcare Statistics) with be speaking about ‘Avoiding the common statistical pitfalls when planning a research project.’ For more information contact CWLTH@Bournemouth.ac.uk.

The Future of Palliative and End of Life Care

Summary from our visiting professor lecture.

The Visiting Professor Lecture, delivered by Professor Bee Wee, CBE, titled “The Future of Palliative and End of Life Care,” was held on 5th February 2025 at Bournemouth University and proved to be a resounding success. The event brought together a diverse and engaged audience, including members of local communities, nursing students, nurse educators, researchers, health professionals, staff and volunteers from Lewis Manning Hospice Care, as well as prominent figures from NHS Dorset Integrated Care Partnership, Dorset Integrated Care Board, and the Burdett Trust for Nursing.

In addition, specialist professionals in palliative and end-of-life care from hospices and NHS Hospital Trusts across Dorset, Wiltshire, Hampshire, and the Isle of Wight attended the event, which provided a unique platform for collaboration and knowledge-sharing among healthcare professionals and students working within this critical field.

Key highlights of the afternoon, apart from the keynote lecture by Professor Bee Wee, included a presentation by Cathy Beresford, who is investigating experiences of care in advanced liver disease for her doctoral research study. An insightful panel discussion, led by Professor Bee Wee, featuring recently graduated nursing students from Bournemouth University—Tina Smith, Julia Copson, and Christina Keeping. These nursing graduates shared their personal experiences as former BU/Lewis Manning Hospice Care Scholarship recipients, offering valuable insights into the practical application of palliative care principles in their new professional roles as registered nurses working in a hospice, specialist palliative care unit, and acute stroke unit in Dorset.

The event also included an introduction to the Centre for Wellbeing and Long-term Health, with presentations by Professor Sam Porter and Dr. Duncan Randall on ongoing research within the centre and various aspects of palliative and end-of-life care.

“We are thrilled with the success of this year’s Lewis Manning Hospice Care Visiting Professor Lecture,” said Dr. Sue Baron, Principal Academic at Bournemouth University. “It was an incredibly enriching experience to bring together so many dedicated professionals and students who are passionate about improving palliative and end-of-life care. Professor Bee Wee’s expertise, coupled with the variety of presentations, made for an uplifting and thought-provoking afternoon.”

The event was a collaboration led by Clare Gallie, CEO of Lewis Manning Hospice Care, and Dr. Sue Baron, Principal Academic in the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences at Bournemouth University. Together, they provided attendees with a unique opportunity to engage with thought leaders in the field of palliative care, network with colleagues, and discuss future advancements in the sector.

Looking ahead, organizers are already planning future initiatives to continue advancing the discussion and research into the future of palliative and end-of-life care.

For more information about the Visiting Professor Lecture Series and ongoing research into palliative care, please visit Centre for Wellbeing and Long-Term Health www.bournemouth.ac.uk/CWLTH

About Lewis Manning Hospice Care Lewis Manning Hospice Care is a charity dedicated to helping people with life-limiting illnesses and their families across East Dorset. They promote acceptance, hope, and peace of mind, helping people to live well through their illness. The organization offers a range of services that prioritize quality of life and compassionate care. Lewis Manning website https://lewis-manning.org.uk/

Contact: Dr. Sue Baron Principal Academic in Nursing & Lead of Lewis Manning Hospice Care/Bournemouth University Nursing Scholarships in Palliative and End of Life Care Department of Nursing Science, Bournemouth University Contact: sbaron@bournemouth.ac.uk / cwlth@bournemouth.ac.uk Centre for Wellbeing and Long-Term Health Website @CWLTH_BU

Upcoming webinars on children’s palliative care

Dr Duncan Randall from Nursing Sciences has been invited to contribute to three Webinars.
He has already delivered one on 14th of January for the re formed education group of Together for Short Lives. One of the main children’s palliative care organisations in the UK. Over 50 people attended to hear about Duncan’s work with Dr Sue Neilson of the University of Birmingham on education standards for the Children’s Palliative Care Education and Traning Action Group and their follow up work on advance care planning for children. Coming up are a webinar for the Association of British Paediatric Nurses on 14th February and one for the International Children’s Palliative Care Network on 20th February. These will be delivered with Dr Neilson and Professor Julia Downing Duncan’s co editors from the new Children’s Palliative Nursing Care book. Each of the webinar will discuss children’s pallaitive care and the lessons learnt from editing a textbook with 30 authors from 13 countries. Link to ABPN Webinar below

Centre for Wellbeing and Long-Term Health (CWLTH)

The next Centre for Wellbeing and Long-Term Health (CWLTH) Research Seminar and Centre Meeting will be 13:00-14:00 on Tuesday 25/02/2025. Dr Jonny Branney and Dr Katey Collins will be leading a discussion about the Centre’s newest work stream ‘Rehabilitation and Prevention’. All are welcome to join this meeting … click HERE to join the meeting on Teams. Contact CWLTH@bournemouth.ac.uk for more information about the Centre.

New book by Dr Duncan Randall, DNS

Nursing is an essential component of children’s palliative care and palliative care is an essential aspect of nursing. Yet the complex inter-disciplinary nature of palliative care brings into sharp focus the work nurses undertake with others in delivering palliative care. This is, however, a book by nurses for nurses.
This comprehensive text presents the essential knowledge and skills required by nurses providing this invaluable care to a growing number of children. The chapters are mapped to the Children’s Palliative Care Education and Training standards. These are endorsed by the International Children’s Palliative Care Network, a major partner with the World Health Organization in the push to make children’s palliative care a universal health right. In its three Parts, Children’s Palliative Nursing Care covers public and universal care, core nursing and specialist care. The chapters can be read individually or cumulatively to move from engagement in public health and public understanding of palliative care through to delivering nursing care. Topics range from managing symptoms and end-of-life care, to education, research and issues of quality and leadership.
Uniquely each chapter has been written by a team of authors who come from both high-income and low-/middle-income countries. This makes this not just a book by nurses for nurses but a global book for global nursing practice.
It is now available through the University library:
Dr Randall researches as part of the Centre for Wellbeing and Long-Term Health at Bournemouth University

Centre for Wellbeing and Long-Term Health (CWLTH)

The next CWLTH Research Seminar and Centre Meeting will be at 14:00-15:00 on Wednesday 13th November 2024.  Dr Steve Trenoweth (Principal Academic in Mental Health Nursing and CWLTH Workstream Lead for Mental Health and Psychosocial Care) will speak about ‘New directions in mental healthcare: international perspective’.  Steve will be drawing on his experiences of working with colleagues and CWLTH members at Bern University of Applied Sciences in Switzerland.  The second half of the meeting will be an opportunity to reflect on CWLTH activities and future plans.  All are welcome to join this event.  Click HERE to join the meeting and for more information contact CWLTH@Bournemouth.ac.uk.