Poole is hosting this year’s European Maritime Day with the Future of the Seas conference taking place on 17th and 18th May, with associated events taking place over the weekend at the Poole Maritime Festival, inlcuding the Festival of Learning on tour
Former host cities include Brussels, Rome, Gothenburg, Athens and Bremen – it is great to have this event right on our doorstep this year. RKEO are delighted to have been awarded the opportuntity to host a workshop at this this prestigious conference:
Maritime Ideas Café
Introduction and objectives:
The Maritime Ideas Café will bring interested delegates together to promote collective thinking on key issues around the maritime agenda. With several relevant funding calls currently live, the workshop will generate ideas for shared research projects, ultimately aiming to develop into a proposal for funding.
The workshop will open with a short introduction to a range of current funding opportunities, followed by an overview from Bournemouth University researchers to outline key areas of interest. Delegates will then have the chance to discuss their own ideas in the context of the expertise in the room, explore common interests and create an action plan for future collaboration.
What’s it all about?
The aim of this ideas café is to bring interested people together to promote collective thinking on key issues around the maritime agenda. With several relevant funding calls currently live, the workshop will generate ideas for shared research projects, ultimately aiming to develop into a proposal for funding.

Current funding opportunities include:
- Supporting SMEs efforts for the development – deployment and market replication of innovative solutions for blue growth
- Erasmus+
- Interreg North-West Europe
- Interreg 2 Seas
How will it work?
The workshop will open with a short introduction to a range of current funding opportunities, followed by an overview from Bournemouth University researchers to outline key areas of interest. Delegates will then have the chance to discuss their own ideas in the context of the expertise in the room, explore common interests and create an action plan for future collaboration.
If you would like to attend this event, you will need to register on the external site (includes requirement for passport details).
You are most welcome to come along to the BU workshop – so that we can look out for you, please let Genna or Emily in RKEO know that you plan to be there!