Flash Call: VAST/O
comics, animation, AR/VR, mental health installation
We are looking for people who work with comics, animation and/or VR/AR and that are willing to collaborate for an installation to take place July 2019 at Bournemouth University’s Atrium Gallery (Poole House). All collaborators welcome – staff or student!
The phonetic differences between the English word “Vast” and the Portuguese one “Vasto” lead to an exploration of the creative expression of psychological phenomena such as agoraphobia and claustrophobia and their physiological consequences such as of shortness of breath and vertigo.
“VAST/O” aims to be a piece that generates the sensations of paradoxical spatial experiences by combining actual and animated spaces, through static and moving images. The use of comics panels in relation with a specific architectural space and the use of animation not only in its traditional channels, but also by means of augmented reality apps for interaction between viewers and spaces, will provide narrative layers that enhance the engagement of the experience.
If interested, please send us your portfolio/website/instagram handle and a selected work (new or old) that relates with the subject of topophobia or with the notion of vastness by April 30th. Those selected, will be contacted for a brief discussion about the collaboration roles and calendar. Also, some of the selected works might be included in the final installation taking place in Lisbon (Portugal) by the end of this year.
Please send all interests and questions to:
Looking forward to hearing from you all and please feel free to share with those that might be interested. Otherwise, please look out for the installation in July and the related free workshops and talks that will be open to all.
– Alex, Carolina & Natalie