CQR’s ‘Go Create!” February Seminar presents an intriguing topic presented by Curie Scott from CEL. Curie has played an instrumental role in establishing the connection between CQR and CEL around creativity.

Curie will discuss with participants
“Exploring self-ageing through participatory drawing”
Wed, 6 February 1 pm in RLH 201
Curie Scott’s efforts contribute new knowledge in three areas:
Using drawing as a shift from research method to methodology
Accounts of non-artists’ experience of drawing
Contributions to perceptions of ageing
More info: https://bit.ly/2HLmO5P
Pleased to let you know that the year is kicking off for CQR with an intriguing seminar led by
Kathleen Vandenberghe
“Expressing research findings with an artist”
RLH 409 Wed 9 Jan at 1pm.
All are welcome!
Kathleen’s work involves:
the experience of expressing research findings with an artist who is not a co-researcher
the experience of aiming for an expressing of research findings while holding the view that understanding is relational and positioned and consequently not static
exploration whether the artistic input generates new understandings of the research findings
We are sure that her work will inspire an interesting discussion on Wednesday.
Come along, bring you lunch in you’d like …
even better, bring a friend!