Green Bubbles is a EU-funded project dedicated to sustainable recreational SCUBA diving. Recreational SCUBA diving has become a mass leisure activity engaging millions of divers worldwide. The diving industry generates large direct and indirect revenues for coastal communities and Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). Other benefits linked to diving include the promotion of ocean stewardship, contribution to scientific research, fostering social inclusion and personal development. Yet, diving has also negative impacts, due to damage or disturbance of habitats and organisms, and to conflicts with local communities for the access to/use of the same resources, equity issues, or cultural clashes. The central objective of Green Bubbles is to maximise the benefits associated with diving while minimising its negative impacts, thus achieving the environmental, economic and social sustainability of the system.

Poster of speakers for Green Bubbles Open Workshop
On 26-27 September, Green Bubbles had its first open workshop, in Santa Margherita Ligure, in Italy. Dr Lenia Marques, from the Department of Events and Leisure, was one
of the keynote speakers, bringing leisure and tourism integrated approaches into the discussion.
The workshop brought together many local and international stakeholders and it was a moment not only of discussion of different perspectives, but also of synergy creation.
It was a successful workshop and we look forward to seeing the developments of the rest of the project as
well as the future projects which started to emerge from this meeting.
Please check out the links and follow the project on social media:
Official website:
Social media hashtags: #GreenBubblesRISE #GreenBubblesproject #sustainable #diving
For more information at BU, please contact Dr Lenia Marques,