The European Commission has released their report The Knowledge Future: Intelligent policy choices for Europe 2050.
Why should you read this?
In the forward, Carlos Moedas, Commissioner for Research Science and Innovation European Commission, writes…
Foresight is an important tool to help us face the future with confidence, understand opportunities and risks, and help us develop our medium to long term strategies for research, science and innovation policy. It takes many guises: trends, signals, scenarios, visions, roadmaps and plans are all parts of the tool-box for looking to the future. In addition to these tools, using foresight requires an in-depth reflection on the policy implications and related scenarios.
This report ‘The Knowledge Future: intelligent policy choices for Europe 2050’ is an excellent example of such a reflection. Europe’s research, innovation and higher education systems are the foundation of our economic and social prospects, shaping our ability to tackle numerous challenges at both local and international level.
Globalisation, demographic changes and technological advances pose important challenges and opportunities for research and innovation in Europe. By reflecting on the trends and articulating scenarios, this report helps us think differently about European policies in the medium to long term.
In Europe we need to:
• Create the necessary conditions to capitalise on the results of research and innovation
• Boost excellence in cutting-edge, fundamental research
• Reinforce our international engagement through science diplomacy.
On this basis, I have set my priorities to be Open Innovation, Open Science, and Open to the World. I hope that this report will contribute to discussions on how research and innovation can contribute to a stronger economy and a better society for all.
Given the potential impact on the EU funding landscape, this report may prove to be essential reading for us all.