Tagged / PGR Development Scheme

PGR Development Framework Programme – October Workshops

Introducing the new 2012/2013 PGR Development Framework Programme.  Bookings are now open for October workshops

Time Management
Outline: This workshop will identify major drains on your time or energies and explore different tools to structure your use of time and resources

  • Date: Tuesday 16 October 2012
  • Time: 09:30 – 12:30
  • Room: S219, Studland House – Lansdowne Campus
  • Facilitator: Dr Margaret Collins (External)
  • Booking: GSbookings@bournemouth.ac.uk

There are limited places available for this workshop, so book early to avoid disappointment!

Time Management
Outline: This workshop will identify major drains on your time or energies and explore different tools to structure your use of time and resources

  • Date: Tuesday 16 October 2012
  • Time: 13:30 – 16:30
  • Room: S219, Studland House – Lansdowne Campus
  • Facilitator: Dr Margaret Collins (External)
  • Booking: GSbookings@bournemouth.ac.uk
  • There are limited places available for this workshop, so book early to avoid disappointment!

Managing your Research Project
Outline: This workshop will examine the nature of project management, identifying goals, millstones and assessing risks.  Consideration will also be given on how to organise time and resources to best achieve the project goals.

  • Date: Wednesday 17 October 2012
  • Time: 09:30 – 16:30
  • Room: PG22, Poole House – Talbot Campus
  • Facilitator: Dr Margaret Collins (External)
  • Booking: GSbookings@bournemouth.ac.uk

This workshop is now FULL.  On booking your name will be added to a reserve list for notification should a place become available

Preparing for your First Review
Outline: The aim of the workshop is to familiarise students with the purpose and role of their first review with insights from a current PGR and School Research Administrator

  • Date: Wednesday 24 October 2012
  • Time: 14:00 – 16:00
  • Room: PG22, Poole House – Talbot Campus
  • Facilitators: Dr Fiona Knight, Karen Ward (RA) and James Hawkins (PGR)
  • Booking: GSbookings@bournemouth.ac.uk

Public Engagement
Outline: The workshop will look at What Public Engagement is; Why does it matter?; How to do it; Engagement in practice; Internal support for creating a supportive environment for engagement.

  • Date: Wednesday 31 October 2012
  • Time: 09:30 – 11:30
  • Room: PG22, Poole House – Talbot Campus
  • Facilitator: Dr Rebecca Edwards
  • Booking: GSbookings@bournemouth.ac.uk

Managing working Relationships (Students and Supervisors)
Outline: This workshop aims to provide you with a clear understanding of the working relationship between student and supervisor, roles and responsibilities as well as expectations from both sides

  • Date: Wednesday 31 October 2012
  • Time: 14:00 – 16:00
  • Room: PG22, Poole House – Talbot Campus
  • Facilitator: Dr Heather Hartwell
  • Booking: GSbookings@bournemouth.ac.uk

Details will be published on the BU Research Blog, so subscribe today to keep in touch with current events to avoid the disappointment of missing out!

PGR Development Scheme 2011/12

The Graduate School PGR Development Scheme is open to all BU postgraduate researchers (PGRs) irrespective of mode of study (full-time / part-time) or funding status (BU studentships / externally funded / self funded).

Individual awards will provide financial support of normally up to £2,000 (and exceptionally £5,000) for research activities related to an individual PGR’s research project or personal development.  It is envisaged that each year approximately 15 awards will be made.

Examples of research activities covered by the Scheme include:

  • Research Activities
    • Conference attendance
    • Additional fieldwork
    • Other activities required to advance research e.g. visiting major libraries, museums, other research institutions (UK, EU or International)
    • Preparation of specialist material or data
    • Research consumables and equipment (providing it is clear these would not normally be purchased by the School as part of the research degree)
  • Developmental Activities
    • Research development e.g. attending external training events specific to research activity
    • Personal development e.g. attending external personal development training events
  • Networking
    • Organisation of an academic conference at BU with external participants;
    • Attendance at external networking events leading to advance of the research
    • Publications or dissemination of research

You should also map the proposed activity onto the relevant sub-domains of the Vitae Researcher Development Framework (RDF):

Knowledge & Intellectual Abilities A1 – Knowledge base A2 – Cognitive abilities A3 – Creativity
Personal Effectiveness B1 – Personal qualities B2 – Self-management B3 – Professional & career development
Research Governance C1 – Professional conduct C2 – Research management C3 – Finance, funding & resources
Engagement, Influence & Impact D1 – Working with others D2 – Communication & dissemination D3 – Engagement & impact

 Awards will only cover direct costs including travel; subsistence; training or development costs) and all applications will need to include a precise breakdown of costs.  Applications should be supported by the Supervisory Team and the relevant Deputy Dean (Research & Enterprise) of the relevant AcademicSchool.

 There will be two competitions per annum.  PGRs wishing to apply must submit a completed GS PGR Development Scheme – Application Form to the Graduate School Academic Manager by the following deadlines:

  • 29 February 2012
  • 31 October 2012

Applications to the Scheme will be reviewed independently and all decisions on funding will be made by the Graduate School. 

 For further information please read the GS PGR Development Scheme – Policy.