This month we are highlighting the impact of open theses.

EThOS is the British Library’s collection of theses from UK universities, most of which are Open Access. All of BU theses are now available on EThOs. This generates additional impact for BU doctoral researchers that can see their theses being downloaded by people around the world.
Our statistics tell us that BU theses have been downloaded 1579 times from EThOS since September 2018.
However, that’s not the whole picture because many people might download a thesis directly from BURO, rather than EThOS. Data from BURO reveals that there have been a staggering 156205 downloads from the same period, with the most popular thesis being The use of social media and its impacts on consumer behaviour: the context of holiday travel with 20564 downloads!.
This just demonstrates the value of open knowledge and its impact.
For any questions about BURO or Open Access please contact or your faculty library team.
HSS Faculty Librarian