On Friday 26th May Dr. Sheetal Sharma (BU PhD awarded in 2017) was invited to speak at a Strategic Round Table “A safer and healthier tomorrow by restoring essential immunization today”, at the UN (United Nations) Palais during the 2023 World Health Assembly in Geneva, Switserland. The round table included the Director General of WHO (World Health Organization), the Head of Immunization of WHO & the CEO of GAVI Vaccine Alliance with ministers of health of Nepal, Moldova, Somalia, and other health representatives from Ghana and Canada. Sheetal said it was a great opportunity to share solutions to health and immunization equity as health services recover from the pandemic.
Sheetal’s PhD thesis Measuring what Works: A Mixed-Methods Evaluation of Women’s Groups on Maternal Health was supervised by Professors Vanora Hundley and Edwin van Teijlingen, Associate Professor Catherine Angell, BU Visiting Professor Padam Simkhada and Dr Elisa Sicuri from the ISGlobal Foundation based in Barcelona, Spain.
Prof. Edwin van Teijlingen
Centre for Midwifery & Women Health