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Research Themes

The BU Research Themes were launched in December 2011 at the first of the BU-wide Fusion events and were revised in July 2013. The Themes are society-led, encourage cross-School working and collaboration, and will be the main vehicle through which BU research is presented externally in future.

Click on each theme image below to learn more about what’s new with each theme! Also check out the microsite for the Bournemouth Research Chronicle and the BU Research Themes overview document. For BU researchers, check out the information available for each theme on the I drive – I:\R&KEO\Public\RDU\Research themes!

We encourage all staff and postgraduate research students to sign up to one or more of the Themes. This is a great way to get involved in the BU research environment and to meet other academics and students from across the University. Many of the themes regularly hold meetings to identify areas for collaboration, share research news and progress, and move the themes forward. This is your chance to get involved!

If you would like to join one or more of the Themes, then complete the form below and we will add you to the list.

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    Please select the themes that you are interested in (required)


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