Horizon Europe

The European Commission launched the new framework programme, Horizon Europe, on 1 January 2021.

Horizon Europe (HE) is divided into three pillars and one specific objective corresponding to its main priorities:

  • Excellent Science
  • Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness
  • Innovative Europe
  • Specific objective ‘Widening participation and strengthening the European Research Area’

Each of the above has a selection of topics supporting the pillars. In addition, HE has a specific programme on European Defence Fund, and a complimentary programme on Euratom Research and Training Programme.

5 mission areas have been identified, each with a dedicated mission board and assembly. The board and assembly help specify, design and implement the specific missions which will launch under Horizon Europe.

A more detailed overview of the above can be downloaded here.

HE Calls for Proposals and Tenders

The HE calls for proposals are published here: https://ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tenders/opportunities/portal/screen/home in the ECAS Participant Portal.

The HE calls for tenders are published on the TED – Tenders Electronic Daily web site, which is dedicated to European public procurement and publishes calls for tenders.

Useful Links

UKRO – The University subscribes to the UK Research Office which has useful information to help University Staff and Researchers. You can also subscribe to receive email information tailored to your research area.

European Research Council

RDS Quick guide to Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA).

Internal Advice

If you would like any advice or guidance on Horizon 2020, or help with proposals, please contact Ainar Blaudums, RDS International Research Facilitator.

The RKE Development Framework offers a pathway specifically for international funding, which offers information, advice and guidance on the major international funders, together with the opportunity to come along to a bid writing retreat led by an external facilitator.dev_framework

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