EU research and funding workshops


                                EC 7th Framework Programme (FP7) logo

We are looking to host a series of workshops/ presentations on EU funding and we would like to hear your suggestions for topics.

What information would you find most useful? What would you like to learn more about? What format would you find most helpful?

Please comment below to let us know what you would like to see…

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2 Responses to “EU research and funding workshops”

  1. Darren Lilleker

    Personally I think more of a question and answer forum would be preferable to presentations and, if possible, discussion around areas of interest and priority related to specific areas of funding.
    The last presentation on FP7 was interesting but very broad, I would like to know much more about the opportunities in the social science area but the presenter knew most about the science area and the procedures for submitting an application.
    Would it be possible to have something slightly more advanced do you think?

    • cdickson

      Darren this is a great suggestion thank you; we will now be looking into hosting more subject-relevant sessions. We will keep you posted on these via the blog and add them to our event calendar on here 🙂