Associate Professors @ BU

Back in 2008 BU introduced the designation of Associate Professor and there are currently fifteen Associate Professors across the organisation.  During the last couple of months I have met with them all to discuss ways in which the institution can better support their Professorial journey.  I thought it might be worth sharing a few of the highlights of these conversations.  Probably the most positive element was the fact that most Associate Professors were very appreciative of the designation and the door and opportunities it had opened.  For most there was clear added value in the scheme and it was generally believed to be a good thing and a key part of their own development journey.  In this respect I also draw attention to at least three successful promotions from Associate Professor to Professor in the last two years.  In terms of future development support we have agreed to put in place a package of measures to help Associate Professors navigate their own Professorial journeys.  These measures include a programme of personal mentoring and coaching, irregular cohort meetings, action learning and support in balancing their work loads more effectively.  We are also committed to developing BU’s Professoriate more generally and strengthening its voice within the organisation.  I met recently to discuss this with the Professoriate as a whole and hope to continue these conversations in the coming months.


Matthew Bennett

Pro-Vice Chancellor (Research, Enterprise & Internationalisation)

2 Responses to “Associate Professors @ BU”

  1. john oliver

    As Acting Head of Research in the Media School, one of the questions I get asked from researchers is about mentoring and coaching. At present, this seems to be informal and ad hoc in our School. Is there anything more formal? If no, it would be useful to develop a BU wide platfrom/set of activites. Something we can chat about at UREF perhaps as themed topic.

  2. mbennett

    Staff Development hold a formal list of mentors/coaches and try to coordinate the process. We do need to get the whole process more visible and active; so your observations are well made. In the meantime any queries about coaching and mentoring should be directed to Colleen Harding in Staff Development