JRF call in Poverty and Ethnicity: Social Networks

In Spring 2011, the Joseph Rowntree Foundation launched a major new 5 year programme across the UK which aims to increase understanding of the relationship between poverty and ethnicity. Details of the programme can be viewed here.

A considerable amount of research has been undertaken which has highlighted the positive impact that participation in social networks can have. However, their role in enabling people to escape poverty and the way in which they operate for people in different minority ethnic groups is not fully understood. As part of the first phase of this programme of work, we are inviting proposals for a research project which aims to address this important gap in our understanding.

This research aims to develop our understanding of how the experience of accessing social networks differ across a range of people in different ethnic groups and how this impacts on their ability to escape from poverty.

Further information

The submission must contain two attachments: 

For more information about the programme please refer to our poverty and ethnicity page. Proposals should be submitted by 23.59pm on 30 August 2012.

 The RKE Operations team can help you with your application.