Advances in Media Management (AiMM) researchers, Dr John Oliver, Dr Sukhpreet Singh and Conor O’Kane recently hosted a nano-symposium on New Economic Models for the Digital Economy. The event was attended by the likes of Prof. Robert Picard, one of the world’s leading authorities on Media Economics, as well as researchers from Brunel and Westminster universities and practitioners from Virgin Media and Freemantle Media.

The group explored various aspects of ‘existing business models that are being adapted’ and the variety of ‘new business models at that are emerging’ in the media. A raft of research project ideas were also generated in a brainstorm session with the intention of working up one of these ideas as a funding application to the EPSRC.

Since we held this event the EPSRC have put a call out for researchers to write Case Studies on New Business Models in the Digital Economy. We have subsequently, submitted a proposal with FremantleMedia that investigates the changing nature of Intellectual Property in Interavtive TV programmes.
This is really interesting; and has significant implications in the world of measurement. Do the speakers have any available takeaways like a download. Perhaps you could put there contact details.
Hi Ryan, the focus of the day was very much on scoping out the landscape and looking for collaborative research project opportunities (of which we have quite a few good ones). We do not have any take aways as such, but we are still sifting through the discussion and ideas – so watch this space!